NGOs and international cooperation

Translating for international organisations and NGOs requires in-depth knowledge of specific terminology and official resources related to official bodies (e.g.: IATE, UNterm, EUR-Lex, etc.). These institutions usually require the use of a specific tone of voice and writing style, as well as certain concepts that already have a recognised, official translation. Consistency, excellent research skills and the ability to align with specific guidelines are crucial.

Spanish is one of the official languages of the United Nations and the European Union, and it’s widely used by NGOs with an international scope. I can help overcome language barriers and make information accessible to the Spanish public, bearing in mind institutional language conventions and, at the same time, using inclusive language and a straightforward writing style, which are paramount for effective communication.

So far, I’ve collaborated as a translator and/or proofreader with the United Nations, EU Aid Volunteers, Defence for Children International, Food First and Translators without Borders, among others. And I’ve enjoyed every single sentence!